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ICM 2022: surprising math user video contest

관리자 hit 1388 date 2021-06-21

ICM 2022 조직위원회에서 "surprising math user video contest"를 진행합니다.

자세한 내용은 아래 원문과 홈페이지를 통해 확인하시기 바랍니다. [홈페이지]


Dear friends!


ICM 2022 here.
If you are reading this, your email was mentioned as a contact of one of mathematician societies. We promise not to spam you :)
Today we wanted to invite you to the ICM 2022 video contest that’s open to all fans of math around the world. Show your passion and creativity: record a video about research or recreational mathematics of any genre to spread the love for math with the world and get ready for ICM 2022.

Contest participants will be able to win fun prizes, including ICM souvenirs and memorabilia, as well as an invitation to give a contributed talk at the ICM. The Grand Prix of the contest is a grant to attend the ICM!
To submit your entry, upload your video on YouTube and send a link to contest@icm2022.org along with a cover letter and a description. Please note, the YouTube video should have an author, an informative title, and a short description (reproduced in the cover letter). Qualified entries will appear in the contest playlist.

As you are representatives of the mathematician societies across the world, we kindly ask you to distribute this through the members of the society you're in, so we can have a great competition and many interesting videos.

Thank you,
And до встречи в Санкт-Петербурге!
which means 'see you in Saint Petersburg'

Sincerely yours,
ICM 2022 organisation board

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